Firm: John J. Ready & Associates
Location: Westlake - OH
905-A Canterbury
Westlake, OH 44145
- Tel : 440.871.4000
- Fax : N/A
- Email : info@readylaw.com

John J. Ready is a graduate of John Carroll University (1984) and The Franklin Thomas Backus School of Law of Case Western Reserve University (1988). The Law Office of John J. Ready was founded in 1991, with an emphasis in Family Law in Cuyahoga and surrounding counties.
Mr. Ready is admitted to practice in the State of Ohio (1988); The United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio (1989); and, the United States Supreme Court (2001). Mr. Ready is a Certified Specialist in Family Relations Law, and was among the first group of specialists certified in Family Relations Law by the Ohio State Bar Association in 1999. He is also a Board Certified Domestic Relations Mediator and is likewise certified in General Mediation. Mr. Ready serves as a Domestic Relations Arbitrator, and has also served as panelist for the Cuyahoga County Arbitration Project.
Mr. Ready is a charter member of The Center for Principled Family Advocacy and completed training in Collaborative Divorce, Advanced Collaborative Divorce and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce. He has held each position on the executive committee of the Center for Principled Family Advocacy, and served as the president of the Center for Principled Family Advocacy during 2007. He is currently a member of the board of trustees and webmaster for the Center for Principled Family Advocacy.
He is also a member of the Cuyahoga County Guardian Ad Litem project and frequently represents the interests of minors in litigated disputes regarding the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities (custody and visitation).
Mr. Ready is an arbitrator and acts as a Parent Coordinator in high conflict custody and visitation matters.
He was a member of the Ohio Supreme Court advisory committee on Alternative Dispute Resolution Options, and a member of the subcommittee that developed standards, protocols, court rules and legislation for Parenting Coordinators statewide which was eventually codified in Supreme Court Rules of Superintendence 90 through 90.12.
He is a member of, and served as the Treasurer (2016, 2017, 2018) of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Ohio Chapter.
Mr. Ready was selected by his peers in 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and again in 2020 as an Ohio Super Lawyer award recipient in Family Law, published by Northern Ohio Live, Cincinnati Magazine and Law and Politics.
Bar memberships include the American Bar Association (Family Law Section and the Domestic Violence and Custody Committees); the Association of Trial Lawyers of America (Family Law Section); Ohio State Bar Association (Litigation Section); Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (Family Law Section); and, a member of the Ohio Bar College. Mr. Ready is a member of, and served as an officer of the Family Law Section of the Cuyahoga County Bar Association concluding as Chairman of the Family Law Section of the Cuyahoga County Bar Association (Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association).
Mr. Ready is a frequent lecturer on continuing legal education topics including domestic violence, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), guardian ad litem representation, parent coordinator practice and the examination of expert witnesses. His community activities include serving on the City of Lakewood Citizens Advisory Counsel and Board of Zoning Appeals. He served on Cleveland Catholic Diocese, Diocesan Pastoral Counsel and the St. Malachi Center Board of Trustees. Mr. Ready serves as a lector and lay minister at St. Malachi Church in Cleveland, and also serves as a lay minister at the hospice known as Malachi House.
Mr. Ready was an Advisory Board Member for the former Templum House Visitation Center (Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence) and is active in youth sports programs coaching football, baseball, basketball and soccer.