Family Law News and Insights

Contributions To A Marriage – Still Searching For That Something Special?

Published: May 01, 2024
Marriage is a partnership of equals. In the case of White v White [2001], the most senior judges in England recognised that there is 'no place for discrimination between the husband and wife and their respective roles' when it comes to determining a 'fair' division of the matrimonial property upon divorce. The...

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Prenuptial Agreements – Who Needs Them?

Published: Apr 27, 2024
A prenuptial agreement is a contract between prospective spouses before they marry, which governs certain issues in the event of divorce or death, such as property division, spousal support, and rights of a surviving spouse. No doubt, this is not the sort of topic one ordinarily wants to discuss while...

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What To Expect At The Initial Divorce Consultation

Published: Mar 21, 2024
The following excerpt is from Divorce in Arizona (Addicus Publishing 2015) by Marlene Pontrelli and Robert Schwartz. Choosing the right attorney for your divorce is an important decision. Your attorney should be a trusted professional with whom you feel comfortable sharing information openly. He or she should be a person you can...

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